Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I am heading to Atlanta today for Savannah's annual lobby-fest, the Chamber of Commerce's annual gorge of seafood, bar-b-que, steamed oysters, and booze to honor the elected officials of our state. They have gathered together again with the promise of fixing a budget with major deficits with budget cuts. Like most states, Georgia's collection of revenues are down again this year. The last couple of years the Governor has cut the budget and this year there are words of "cutting bone". Now that's leadership huh?

Anyway, this is probably the 20th time that I've been to "Savannah Day at the Capitol". A thousand people will gather in the old railroad depot near the Capitol and it will seem that all of Savannah is present. The politicians will all arrive after another hard day at what they profess to be "leadership" and then the ass kissing will begin.

Sadly, it is part of the work. Fixing health care, homelessness, affordable housing, and the things that Union Mission does requires that I am here. You can't do much anything in Georgia without going to Atlanta. I want to get things done so I go to a city that believes that it is the center of the universe. I have had my successes there. I have had my failures there. Met people that I have come to love. And have met...others.

Today I am thinking about some of my favorite moments at lobby-fest over the past two decades.

Once, I was on fire and it was one of those trips when everyone wanted or needed to talk to me. I can't recall what I was on fire about, but I do remember thinking to myself, "Wow, I've never been here before." Then I spied then Gov. Roy Barnes and said to myself, "What the hell, I may as well since I seem to be hot tonight!" So I made my way to him, he turned, looked at me, shook my hand, and said, "Mike, I'm tired and I'm going home. Bye," and he turned and left without giving me a chance to say anything. So much for being on fire.

Then there was my friend Johnny O standing in the receiving line with all of the other members of the elected even though John wasn't elected to anything. Yet there he was shaking hands, smiling, patting people on the back and most everyone in line was kissing his ass just like they were kissing everyone else's not having a clue that he was simply having fun.

Once my dear friend Terry Ball showed up and we mostly stood in a dark corner eating seafood and talking through the evening. I think that this was the only time that I actually ate at Lobby-fest.

And there was the time that Department of Human Resources B. J. Walker spied me in the crowd, walked up with her arms outstretched, and said, "What are you doing to me. Please call your boys off!" I remember hugging one another as we said goodbye that night.

I sure that more of these memories will come to mind as I head up. So it is that time of year again. Let the games begin! Who knows what is going to happen this year.

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