Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Creation Happening Around Me

Sometimes you just have to get away. This is one of those times. After an incredibly busy year, and a pretty intense summer and fall, with a looming winter that will keep me moving at a fast pace, it is good just to stop for a bit.

Not that it ever stops, even while I am here in St. Martin. Yesterday was interrupted by phone calls from people who had issues with loved ones or friends and called for guidance and support. I didn't mind because it is what I do.

But yesterday was also a day of marvel for me in that a storm blew through Orient Beach over Christmas and the waves grew huge over the reef that protects this bay. So the waves made it to the shore, which is rare here, and 30 feel of sand was claimed by the sea. Seaweed was littered across the sand that was left.

It happened very quickly. When I am here, I wake up, climb out of bed, stumble to the ocean and fall face down into the water. It is a great way to start a day. Then I return for a cup of coffee and to read or blog. Perhaps an hour later, I return to the beach.

From the time that I feel into the ocean for my wake up refreshment yesterday until the hour later that I returned to the beach, ten feet of sand had washed away. It is amazing to see creation literally happening all around you. I found myself in awe of it.

There is a line in the Bible that I have always liked. We are participating with God in the completion of creation. One version says that we are groaning for the completion of creation, which I take as God does his part and it is up to me to do mine.

So the part that I want to create is a happy me, who loves the people in my life dearly, enjoys my friends, is useful in this world and appreciates God's creation as it is happening around me.

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