Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Christmas/War is Over

"And so this is Christmas and what have you done?"

Well, a lot actually.

I said goodbye to my Dad this year after he waited on me to return from from being out of the country so that he could see me one last time.

I spent a lot of good times with my children and that means that we laughed a lot. One of the best times was in Fernandina Beach having lunch with them and my Mom while we all helped Julie come up with reasons she loves the South (every year there are Civil War re-enactments for a war that the south lost and they still lose them in the reenactments!)

Julie moved to Atlanta and ours officially became a commuter marriage so everything is brand new again as she explores new paths of her growing as I do mine still based on Tybee Island.

My dear friends at the Breakfast Club continue to nurture me through the beginning of each day with coffee and laughter.

Face Book has allowed me to stay in touch with loved friends across the miles and across the years.

There is new life at work with Keller Deal, Skip Eloge, Lauren Milmine and a new fresh attitude that makes it fun again. And Charles remains a constant with his decorated trash can.

The International Street Medicine Institute, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Local Funding Partners Program, the Interagency Council for the Homeless, the Step Up Savannah Board of Directors and the other groups that I am honored to serve on keeps me learning new things.

And I am still blessed to live beside the ocean where I touch the miracle of creation most every day.

Happy Christmas Everyone! Thank you all!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful recap of the year! We at Mermaid Cottages on Tybee are so happy to support everything the Starfish Cafe does. Keep up all your good work in 2010!
