Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Deserving Home

Snow and bad weather is on the way to Washington D. C. so I am very glad that we are leaving this morning. I hate cold! Snow is fine for brief visits but I wouldn't want to stay with it for very long. I did my snow time in Louisville and watched homeless people freeze, sometimes to death.

Coupled with the fact that I am truly a beach bum, don't like to wear a lot of clothes, enjoy sunshine and walks on the beach and swims in the ocean and girls in bikinis and ... well, you get my point.

I have friends who love cold and snow. Bill Berry and I have been dear friends forever. Whenever it snows, he loses his mind and runs outside to roll around in it and stupid stuff like that. He likes to ski across it. I suppose he still builds snowmen. His kids post pictures of it on Face Book and his smiling face standing there in the snow conveys the message that he loves it. While I love him dearly I have always thought that he is a little off.

Anyway, we are leaving Washington where we have been for two days heading for home. Most of the time that I am here I am alone but I have enjoyed having Herb and Lauren with me. Herb makes me do things that I would never do here, like getting a shoe shine at the senate shoe shine stand at the Capitol. I've never done D.C. like this.

Lauren is focused and is learning this side of the work so we have been able to have a lot of good conversations about it and about a lot of other stuff.

We also met new friends here and were taken care of in D.C. like I have never been taken care of before. Bob Hurt, Carol Holladay and Jane Terry have been gracious hosts and I have learned a lot from them while I have been here and look forward to working with them over the next several months.

But I am ready to return to the clump of sand that is Tybee Island. I miss the smell of the marsh and the salt in the air. I want to take Goddess for walks and to wrestle with her in the living room floor. I'm jonesing for the Breakfast Club and to see my friend Johnny O break the law as soon as he joins me for coffee. I miss the love that make a house a home.

So this has been a good trip in spite of the misplaced heart when I arrived. I am hopeful and optimistic about the good things that I think will come about as a result of this trip. But it is time for a shot of home. I miss my home. Everybody deserves one. That is why I do what I do.

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