Friday, April 23, 2010

The Land of the Rich and of the Brave

"Did you see how much those rooms cost?" Herb asked as we made our way down the escalator at Reagan National.

"Yep, that's why it is only the rich who play up here," I replied.

Not that we didn't see the poor. Homeless people are everywhere in Washington D.C. You can't help but step over them as you make your way through the city. They are huddled in blankets or shake cups begging for alms. Mostly they are ignored here.

Then there are the protesters who seem to be everywhere. Peta was screaming about animal rights. Earth Day people were everywhere. In fact, the Mall was assembled for a huge rally. Last night when we were leaving dinner, a lone woman with a loud speaker called us murderers, though I'm not sure why. I had a fish taco and I guess it could have been her fish at one time.

But mostly we found ourselves surrounded by people who have means. They were smartly dressed, very articulate and, well, most were beautiful. At one point I looked at Lauren and said, "If you act like you belong, they will assume that you do."

But we had good friends who are big guns with us. Jane Terry, Carol Holladay and Bob Hurt shepherded us around, making introductions and arranging last minute meetings that we requested. We saw Senators and Congressmen and the people who run the agencies. At the end of it all, we knew that it had been a very good day. Good things are going to come because we were here.

That is how the game is played. It is like everything else. It's all about relationships. Who knows who. Regardless of if you are in a homeless shelter or in Congress. And next week we have a conference call with the White House because of our friends.

And we will do what we've done for the last two days. Explain what we are doing and ask if others can help. Then we will do it again. And again. Then hopefully people will start to believe in us. Because of our track record. But mostly because of the relationships that have been cultivated.

It is exhausing work that didn't end until 10:00 last night. Now I am glad to be heading home to stare at the ocean, laugh with my friends, and surround myself with healing hands again.

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