Friday, April 30, 2010


I stumbled through the door marked "Exit Only" where Jodee and the boys were busy prepping for the day.

"Whoa!" Jodee yelled, "you are early!"

I ignored him and stumbled straight to the coffee pot only to find that it was empty. "Shit!" I muttered.

Taking sympathy on me, Jodee left the 200 pieces of bacon he was frying and led me through making a large cup on his newest gadget.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Going to Atlanta," I answered.

Fruitful trip?" he cheerfully asked.

"Are you kidding?"

He seemed to understand. I waved goodbye and left through the door marked "Exit only"

I drove back home and took Goddess for a walk in the dark sipping on the coffee. This day was beginning like yesterday ended.

Yesterday had been a perfectly good day that somehow slipped away as it went along. Like a handful of sand that I was trying to hold onto, ever so slowly, the goodness fell away, and it ended a bummer.

When I got home, Goddess was happy to see me but I wasn't in the mood to respond correctly so I went through the motions but with little feeling. This morning I was feeling bad about that so took her on a walk at 5:15 before heading to the airport to travel to the Center of the Universe, which is what Atlanta believes it is.

Then I saw the moon lightly kissing the Back River and leaving it aglow and full of love. I wanted to jump in but Goddess pulled me in the other direction. That's the way it is right? We discover the love that we want to explore and things pull us in the other direction. So it becomes a fight to get there. And if we are committed to it, we continue the struggle until we finally find ourselves submerged in love.

Or we walk away from it. I believe that a lot of people walk away from it because they refuse to fight for it or because it is not love that they want but something else. Or because they love themselves more than they are capable of loving someone else.

Now a bright sun is rising and I see that it is going to be a glorious day. I want to be glorious today. I want to be surrounded by glorious people. I want to hold someone who is glorious.

And the rising sun gives me hope. To be where I'm going. In the sunshine of your love.

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